Evaporator Fan is a patented, solid state energy saving device, designed for walk-in refrigerators and freezers. Dramatic energy saving results of this controller have been proven by four years of extensive laboratory and field testing.
Evaporator Fan Can Help! Rigorous testing in our lab, and customer experience in the field, confirm energy savings in the 25-35% range for commercial refrigerators and freezers equipped with the evaporator fan controller. Evaporator Fan Savings By slowing the fans to a low speed when the compressor shuts down, energy consumed by the fans is dramatically reduced. | ||
Compressor Savings
Because the fans generate less heat, the compressor duty cycle is reduced; saving energy as well as compressor wear & tear.
Dehydration Savings
Reduced air movement, due to slower fan speed, minimizes dehydration of perishables — thus extending their self life. |
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Looking for Major Refrigeration Energy Savings?
75 Energy Conserving Ideas
One of the aspects that sometimes gets overlooked when considering renewable energy options, is reducing the energy you consume. Before you spend a dime on solar, wind or hydro power, it is imperative that you look at your current household environment and do things to conserve energy. It is much less expensive to conserve energy and buy a smaller RE system than to buy a RE system that meets the needs of an average home. This should not be looked upon lightly. You are going to have to make some sacrifices in order to conserve and it will change your life. Here are some ideas to get you started before investing in RE:
- Think small vs. big. If you are living in a large house and it's only you and your significant other, think about moving to smaller house.
- If you live in an older energy guzzling house, consider renovating the house. It may save you money in the long run.
- Check your house for air infiltration leaks and seal up those holes.
- Add enough insulation in your attic to increase the R value to at least R40.
- Replace incandescent bulbs in your house with compact florescent bulbs - especially those lights that get used the most.
- Buy switchable outlet strips and shut off all phantom voltages in your house. You would be amazed at how much stuff is using electricity even when it's off. Start with those transformers that run most low end electronic devices - the black boxes currently plugged into your wall or outlet strips. Don't forget TV, stereos and VCRs too.
- Think about replacing your top-end washing machine with a front loader that uses less water and electricity to wash a load of clothes.
- Consider drying your clothes on a clothes line instead of using a dryer.
- Don't take baths, take showers and use a low flow shower head.
- While you are taking that shower, only turn the water on to wet and rinse yourself.
- Use window quilts or shutters over your windows to keep the cold out in the winter and the heat out in the summer.
- Use a smart thermostat to lower your heat while your away from the house or asleep.
- Dress warmer and lower the thermostat.
- Consider replacing your refrigerator with a smaller, higher efficiency model.
- Install a cistern and harvest rainwater. Rainwater is a naturally soft water that can be used for washing and even drinking if it is UV filtered.
- Use a whole house fan to cool the house in the summer instead of an air conditioner.
- Use a pressure cooker whenever possible to cook food. Energy consumption is 50% to 70% less using a pressure cooker.
- Replace your toilet with a low water usage model.
- Use reflectors around light bulbs to increase their light output.
- Reduce viewing TV or do without completely.
- Use cold water to wash clothes whenever possible.
- Cool hot foods before refrigerating.
- Open the refrigerator door as little as possible.
- Add an insulation jacket to your hot water heater tank.
- Reduce your domestic hot water temperature from 140 degrees to 120 degrees. This will save you over 18%.
- Turn off lights in rooms that are not being used.
- Keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is going. Keeping the damper open is like keeping a 48-inch window wide open during the winter; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney.
- Consider using 4-watt mini-fluorescent or electro-luminescent night lights. Both lights are much more efficient than their incandescent counterparts. The luminescent lights are cool to the touch.
- Put extra blankets on the bed, or use flannel sheets during winter months.
- When cooking, use pans with covers. Water will boil faster and you can use a lower setting.
- Don't peek into the oven. Each time you open the door, the temperature will drop 25 to 50 degrees.
- When shaving or washing up, fill up the sink halfway instead of letting the water run.
- Wrap your water heater and hot water pipes with insulation to help keep heated water hot.
- Electric pumps are used to pump water either from wells or municipal systems. Cutting down on water waste cuts down on power waste.
- Always put a full load of clothes in the washer.
- Keep the dryer lint screen and exhaust hose clean. Lint impedes the flow of air and lengthens drying time.
- Don't overwash clothes. A 10-minute cycle is usually enough for even very soiled clothes.
- Vacuum or dust the back and bottom of the refrigerator regularly to keep the cooling coils free from dust.
- Cover all foods because they give off moisture, making your refrigerator use more energy.
- Set your refrigerator thermostat at 40 degrees and your freezer at 0 degrees.
- Keep the freezer as full as possible for greatest efficiency. Fill up empty space with plastic jugs of water. However, do not overcrowd. Place items in a manner that allows air to circulate.
- Use non-electric carpet sweepers and brooms instead of vacuum cleaners.
- When it comes time to replace the hot water tank, consider purchasing a tankless (on demand) hot water heater.
- Turn off PCs when not being used.
- Caulk around windows to prevent air infiltration.
- Install foam gaskets and plastic plugs in all electrical outlets and switches on outside walls.
- Install fences, hedges and trees as energy saving windbreaks on the northwest side of your home.
- Install a motion sensor light near the entrance of your home instead of leaving the outside light on.
- Ventilate your attic to minimize high heat gains in the summer and moisture damage in the winter.
- Use a root cellar to store foods instead of a refrigerator
- Use a solar powered dehydrator to dry and preserve foods.
- Use a corded telephone instead of cordless telephone.
- Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator before cooking. Thawed food cooks faster and uses less energy.
- Be sure that the seal around the refrigerator door is intact to keep warm air out. Frost appears quickly when a unit is not sealed properly and leaks air.
- Install an air duct in your fireplace which allows outside air to be the source of air for combustion.
- An uninsulated drape can cut window heat loss by one-third. An insulated drape can reduce it by 50 percent.
- Remove your clothing promptly from the dryer and hang carefully. Many items will require no ironing.
- Use an old satellite dish as a reflector to cook food using the sun's heat.
- Ductwork which runs through cool or unheated areas is taped, insulated, and covered with an air/vapor barrier. (Heating & Cooling Systems)
- All exterior basement walls have more than 2" of insulation (minimum R-value of R-6 to R-10), running the full height, and there is a sealed air/vapor barrier in place on the warm side of the insulation (facing the room).
- Baseboards are caulked either from behind the trim work or in front where the trim meets the wall and floor.
- Exterior doors are weather-stripped on the sides, and bottom.
- Don't buy a side by side refrigerator Side-by-side models use at least 20% more electricity than models with the freezer on top.
- If you must use a freezer to store food, use a chest freezer. Chest freezers are typically 10 to 15% more efficient than upright models.
- Gas ranges with electric ignition use about 40% less gas per year than gas ranges with pilot lights. If the electricity goes out, they can still be lit with a match.
- Don't use heated waterbeds or insulate them. Heating a king-sized waterbed costs about $9 per month on average
- Use double or triple pane windows for maximum R value without sacrificing passive solar gain.
- Fix any leaky faucets or toilets.
- Consider purchasing a notebook PC rather than a desktop model. Notebooks don't use as much power.
- Install ceiling fans help cool you down. Air movement created by a fan can make a room seem cooler by four degrees or more.
- House plants add humidity to a house in the winter. This makes you feel warmer at a lower temperature.
- Add thermal mass to your house. Ceramic floor tile, brick partition walls and stone fireplaces help keep your indoor temperature constant.
- Got leaky windows? Put a plastic wrap on them during the winter.
- Reduce the number of electric appliances you use for models that use muscle power. Can openers, vacuum cleaners, garage door openers, lawn mowers, weed whackers, hedge trimmers, etc. can be replaced with non-electric models.
- Move your thermostat to an area that is not effected by temperature fluctuations that are caused by draughts, sun or appliances.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Generating Electricity from Wing Waves
Just like wind mills and wind turbines that generate power and electricity from the wind, scientists are now working to generate power from the sea. Stephen Wood, an assistant professor of marine and environmental systems atFlorida Institute of Technology’s College of Engineering is working on this technology for its advance and proper use. This technology will use Wing waves in a very efficient way to generate electricity and power from the sea.
The wing waves technology to produce electricity and power from sea is a project initiated by a renewable energy firm from Tallahassee called the Clean and Green Enterprises. This firm has been working in this area since the past five years.
The use of Wing Waves to produce electricity from the sea
According Wood, about 200,000 houses can be lit with the help of one square miles of wings that produce around 1000 units of electric power. Power is generated by changing elliptical motion wave into mechanical energy after trapping it 30 feet to 60 feet below the sea.
According Wood, about 200,000 houses can be lit with the help of one square miles of wings that produce around 1000 units of electric power. Power is generated by changing elliptical motion wave into mechanical energy after trapping it 30 feet to 60 feet below the sea.
The chief executive with Clean and Green Enterprises Inc., Terence Bolden says that the wings sway 30 degrees from side to side. They take 8 to 10 seconds to complete every arc. In this process, they produce electricity.
Basic requirements to use Wing Waves to produce electricity from the sea
To use Wing waves to produce electricity from the sea, there are two basic requirements: depth of 40 to 50 feet and a sandy bottom. Sea fans are placed on the sandy base. Though, bigger wings can be used to tap water to make electricity but for that the plant to make these wings has to be situated near the ocean. Till then, the fans having trapezoid-shaped wings that are 8 feet tall and 15 feet wide will continue to be used and they will be transported through road. The height and the width of the wings are carefully made so that they can be transported by the road and can be easily placed under the sea.
To use Wing waves to produce electricity from the sea, there are two basic requirements: depth of 40 to 50 feet and a sandy bottom. Sea fans are placed on the sandy base. Though, bigger wings can be used to tap water to make electricity but for that the plant to make these wings has to be situated near the ocean. Till then, the fans having trapezoid-shaped wings that are 8 feet tall and 15 feet wide will continue to be used and they will be transported through road. The height and the width of the wings are carefully made so that they can be transported by the road and can be easily placed under the sea.
Advantages of using Wing Waves to produce electricity from the sea
An example of Wind Waves to produce electric power from the sea was showcased when two 8-foot-tall wing flaps moved up and down on the seabed, just a few miles away from the Fort Pierce Fla.
An example of Wind Waves to produce electric power from the sea was showcased when two 8-foot-tall wing flaps moved up and down on the seabed, just a few miles away from the Fort Pierce Fla.
The advantages of Wing waves are:
- It is a clean and green way to generate electric power.
- It is an alternative way to provide power.
- It protects sea life. Wings waves are very environment friendly as they do not cause any danger to the turtles and attract fish.
- The power produced in the sea can be used on land by transferring the electricity from sea to land through cables.
- The wing waves are a treat for the eye to see.
- If these wings are properly maintained, they can be used up to 20 years.
- The wings will operate and generate power even when the sea is a bit calm. The wings will get locked automatically during hurricanes, when the sea is rough.
- Wing wave’s technology can operate in any coastal area.
- Wing Waves also help in desalinizing sea water.
The prototype of Wing Waves technology
The prototype of wing waves that has been working from November 17 off the Florida coast is built with aluminum. It has helped to collect data on wave motion and other relevant matters. The prototype that is going to replace the one used now will be made from composite material that is more resistant to corrosion.
The prototype of wing waves that has been working from November 17 off the Florida coast is built with aluminum. It has helped to collect data on wave motion and other relevant matters. The prototype that is going to replace the one used now will be made from composite material that is more resistant to corrosion.
Hopefully, Wing waves will be a revolution in generating power and electricity from the sea.
The New Role of Microbes in Bio-Fuel Production
Currently biofuel is produced from plants as well as microbes. The oils, carbohydrates or fats generated by the microbes or plants are refined to produce biofuel. This is a green and renewable energy that helps in conserving fossil-fuel usage. But a new research has led to a new discovery of getting the microbes to produce fuel from the proteins instead of utilizing the protein for its own growth. The research is being done at the premises of University of California in Los Angeles.
The focus of the experiment was to induce the microbes under the study to produce a specific kind of proteins rather than what they otherwise might be inclined to produce. This special protein can be refined in to biofuel. The task is to make the microbes produce only this kind of protein rather than utilizing it for their own growth and growth related activities as they otherwise do.
The focus of the experiment was to induce the microbes under the study to produce a specific kind of proteins rather than what they otherwise might be inclined to produce. This special protein can be refined in to biofuel. The task is to make the microbes produce only this kind of protein rather than utilizing it for their own growth and growth related activities as they otherwise do.
Different from prior practice
This kind of biofuel production is different from the traditional behavior of microbes where they use the protein only for growth. This is like tricking the microbes to deviate from that and produce fats or material that can be converted to biofuel. In the words of UCLApostdoctoral student and lead researcher, Yi-xin Huo -”We have to completely redirect the protein utilization system, which is one of the most highly-regulated systems in the cell.”
This kind of biofuel production is different from the traditional behavior of microbes where they use the protein only for growth. This is like tricking the microbes to deviate from that and produce fats or material that can be converted to biofuel. In the words of UCLApostdoctoral student and lead researcher, Yi-xin Huo -”We have to completely redirect the protein utilization system, which is one of the most highly-regulated systems in the cell.”
First attempt at protein utilization
This has been claimed as the first ever attempt to use the proteins as a source for generating energy. Until now the biofuel-producing algae has not made use of the protein like a carbon supply for biofuel. It was only used for growth. But now the scientists have tampered with usual nitrogen metabolism process and induced biorefining process and altered the metabolizing of nitrogen at the cellular level.
This has been claimed as the first ever attempt to use the proteins as a source for generating energy. Until now the biofuel-producing algae has not made use of the protein like a carbon supply for biofuel. It was only used for growth. But now the scientists have tampered with usual nitrogen metabolism process and induced biorefining process and altered the metabolizing of nitrogen at the cellular level.
A fringe benefit
By this process, they are letting the cells to retain the nitrogen and take out just the ammonia. Once done with the biofuel production, the residue is a better kind of fertilizer thanks to the low nitrogen levels. This in turn will lessen any greenhouse emissions that happen during the fertilizer production. The new process will reprocess the nitrogen back and will help in maintaining a nitrogen neutral state and less harmful emissions during fertilizer production.
By this process, they are letting the cells to retain the nitrogen and take out just the ammonia. Once done with the biofuel production, the residue is a better kind of fertilizer thanks to the low nitrogen levels. This in turn will lessen any greenhouse emissions that happen during the fertilizer production. The new process will reprocess the nitrogen back and will help in maintaining a nitrogen neutral state and less harmful emissions during fertilizer production.
Future plans
The Nature Biotechnology Sunday issue has published the team’s findings. The team hopes that their findings will rewrite biofuel production by inundating the field with protein eating microbes which will generate fats and substances that can be converted into biofuel. The microbes will feed on proteins that are not fit for animal consumption and keep producing special proteins for biofuel conversion and later can become a better type if fertilizer with less nitrogen and nil harmful greenhouse emissions.
The Nature Biotechnology Sunday issue has published the team’s findings. The team hopes that their findings will rewrite biofuel production by inundating the field with protein eating microbes which will generate fats and substances that can be converted into biofuel. The microbes will feed on proteins that are not fit for animal consumption and keep producing special proteins for biofuel conversion and later can become a better type if fertilizer with less nitrogen and nil harmful greenhouse emissions.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Artificial Electronic Super Skin – Powered By Stretchable Solar Cells
Zhenan Bao, Stanfordresearcher, is keen to create “Super skin.” Taking her previously created super-sensitive sensor a step ahead, she is now creating a super skin that will be self-powered with renewable clean solar energy. Bao and her team have designed polymer solar cells that are flexible and can be stretched to power the ’super skin’.
When the sensors detect the nature of the materials being tested, they have to send the data to a computer or a researcher. Instead of connecting to a power supply or batteries, incorporating polymer solar cells is a better idea as this will enable the sensors to be portable and less cumbersome and be more eco-friendly.
Previous sensor
Ms Bao had successfully built a sensor flexible and very sensitive to any pressure. It was able to detect even touch-down pressure of a fly. She had made this over a foundation of a flexible organic transistor made of supple polymers and materials which are carbon based. Touch-sensing is achieved by the fluctuations in the current flow which is caused by an elastic rubber layer shaped like myriad inverted pyramids.
Ms Bao had successfully built a sensor flexible and very sensitive to any pressure. It was able to detect even touch-down pressure of a fly. She had made this over a foundation of a flexible organic transistor made of supple polymers and materials which are carbon based. Touch-sensing is achieved by the fluctuations in the current flow which is caused by an elastic rubber layer shaped like myriad inverted pyramids.
Rationale for sensing
Changing the transistor’s semiconducting material according to the type of material kept on sensor, the sensor can sense whether it is touching a chemical or a biological material. The semiconducting material can be just a nanometer or two layers only thick for the expected detection to occur. By changing the structural characteristics of the transistor as needed, the super skin detects chemicals in liquid or vapour state and bio matters like proteins.
Changing the transistor’s semiconducting material according to the type of material kept on sensor, the sensor can sense whether it is touching a chemical or a biological material. The semiconducting material can be just a nanometer or two layers only thick for the expected detection to occur. By changing the structural characteristics of the transistor as needed, the super skin detects chemicals in liquid or vapour state and bio matters like proteins.
Useful for disease detection
Super skin being able to detect diseases by sensing the biomarker proteins corresponding to individual diseases, this can be taken a step further by fitting robots with super skins and allowing the robots to detect by touch whether a person has s disease-confirming biomarker or robot can test the sweat for drunkenness etc.
Super skin being able to detect diseases by sensing the biomarker proteins corresponding to individual diseases, this can be taken a step further by fitting robots with super skins and allowing the robots to detect by touch whether a person has s disease-confirming biomarker or robot can test the sweat for drunkenness etc.
Need for power to send the data
When the sensors detect the nature of the materials being tested, they have to send the data to a computer or a researcher. Instead of connecting to a power supply or batteries, incorporating polymer solar cells is a better idea as this will enable the sensors to be portable and less cumbersome and be more eco-friendly.
Stretchable solar cells
Bao’s research papers mention of unidirectional stretchable nature of the solar cells, but Bao maintains that their solar cells are capable of stretching in both axes. Solar cells even in the stretched state generate power for sending the data collected by the sensors. A wavy microstructure is the reason for cells’ stretchable nature. They expand to some 30% excess of their normal length and snap back to original condition.
Bao’s research papers mention of unidirectional stretchable nature of the solar cells, but Bao maintains that their solar cells are capable of stretching in both axes. Solar cells even in the stretched state generate power for sending the data collected by the sensors. A wavy microstructure is the reason for cells’ stretchable nature. They expand to some 30% excess of their normal length and snap back to original condition.
Use for stretchable solar cells
Stretchable materials are stronger and it can be a very useful and valuable feature in many scenarios. Darren Lipomi, a graduate student & lead author said, “One of the applications where stretchable solar cells would be useful is in fabrics for uniforms and other clothes.” The stretchable solar cells can also be integrated into curved areas like lenses, arches in buildings or car exteriors etc. also.
Stretchable materials are stronger and it can be a very useful and valuable feature in many scenarios. Darren Lipomi, a graduate student & lead author said, “One of the applications where stretchable solar cells would be useful is in fabrics for uniforms and other clothes.” The stretchable solar cells can also be integrated into curved areas like lenses, arches in buildings or car exteriors etc. also.
Eco friendly transistors
Today Bao has managed to make a green savvy version of the transistor made with materials that are biodegradable. Whatever materials go to make the transistor and its parts will not pose a threat to the environment. The super skin is much more than a human skin and now is totally eco-friendly, and will be powered by renewable energy source like solar energy.
Today Bao has managed to make a green savvy version of the transistor made with materials that are biodegradable. Whatever materials go to make the transistor and its parts will not pose a threat to the environment. The super skin is much more than a human skin and now is totally eco-friendly, and will be powered by renewable energy source like solar energy.
Airplane Timeline
Efforts to tackle the engineering problems associated with powered flight began well before the Wright brothers' famous trials at Kitty Hawk. In 1804 an English baronet, Sir George Cayley, launched modern aeronautical engineering by studying the behavior of solid surfaces in a fluid stream and flying the first successful winged aircraft of which we have any detailed record. And of course Otto Lilienthal's aerodynamic tests in the closing years of the 19th century influenced a generation of aeronautical experimenters. In the 20th century, advances in aeronautical engineering soon had us soaring in safety and comfort across all the continents and oceans.

Efforts to tackle the engineering problems associated with powered flight began well before the Wright brothers' famous trials at Kitty Hawk. In 1804 an English baronet, Sir George Cayley, launched modern aeronautical engineering by studying the behavior of solid surfaces in a fluid stream and flying the first successful winged aircraft of which we have any detailed record. And of course Otto Lilienthal's aerodynamic tests in the closing years of the 19th century influenced a generation of aeronautical experimenters. In the 20th century, advances in aeronautical engineering soon had us soaring in safety and comfort across all the continents and oceans.
1901 | First successful flying model propelled by an internal combustion engine
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1903 | First sustained flight with a powered, controlled airplane
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1904 | Concept of a fixed "boundary layer" described in paper by Ludwig Prandtl
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1910 | First take off from a ship
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1914 | Automatic gyrostabilizer leads to first automatic pilot
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1914-1918 | Dramatic improvements in structures and control and propulsion systems
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1915 | National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
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1917 | The Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane, introduced
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1918 | Airmail service inaugurated
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1919 | U.S. Navy aviators make the first airplane crossing of the North Atlantic
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1919 | Passenger service across the English Channel introduced
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1925-1926 | Introduction of lightweight, air-cooled radial engines
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1927 | First nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic
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1928 | First electromechanical flight simulator
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1933 | Douglas introduces the 12-passenger twinengine DC-1
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1933 | First modern commercial airliner
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1935 | First practical radar
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1935 | First transpacific mail service
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1937 | Jet engines designed
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1939 | First practical singlerotor helicopters
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1939-1945 | World War II spurs innovation
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1947 | Sound barrior broken
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1949 | First jet-powered commercial aircraft
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1950s | B-52 bomber
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1952 | Discovery of the area rule of aircraft design
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1963 | First small jet aircraft to enter mass production
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1969 | Boeing 747
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1976 | Concorde SST introduced into commercial airline service
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1986 | Voyager circumnavigates the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days
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1990s | B-2 bomber developed
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1995 | First aircraft produced through computer-aided design and engineering
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1996-1998 | Joint research program to develop second-generation supersonic airliner
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